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If you intent to buy any product in our iBYZNYS and you are signed in (view AUTHORIZATION - LOGIN), continue by clicking CATALOG in main menu.


CATALOG - Products
You may sort displayed products by different categories (the groups of assortment, material number, store number and so on). You may use the window SEARCH for quick searching. You may also use function "Catalog- Advanced search".

If you have came to the required product, set the quantity and add the products to the shopping cart. Repeat this until you'll have all the goods you need in the shipping cart.

By clicking the icon of shopping cart (this would be always available) or by selecting the option "CATALOG - Shopping cart" you may control the products added to the cart. Information about the total price will be displayed in the place under the menu.


CATALOG- Shopping cart
Displays all the products you have in cart at the moment.

Payment conditions
We offer following methods of payment:

Payment in advance according to retainer invoice:
Payment may be realized even on the basis of advance invoice. This invoice will be delivered to costumer (on the basis of purchase order) by fax or post with the data for its settlement. Variable symbol is specified on the advance invoice. After the settlement of the avoice and accepting the payment on the account of seller or receiving (by fax or mail) the confirmation of payment (statement of bank account), the products will be delivered to the costumer together with the final invoice. The payment confirmations and statements of bank accounts are acceptable. If the payment is not done within the maturity period, the order will be canceled. Costumer then runs a risk of delay of the shipment.

Payment in cash:
After settling a purchase order, this may be paid in cash at the shop desk any day between 9 am and 17 pm. The product may be picked up in the store afterwards.

Goods for COD:
In the case that business partner doesn't have the trading limit arranged with us, or if the limit is depleted, the products were not paid in advance or in cash, it is possible to order the goods for COD. The price will be paid to the transporter before acceptance of the products.

Payment in the scope of trading limit
Assigning of the trading limit allows issuance of invoice with due date. We arrange trading limits with our permanent business partners. In the range of this limit, company takes the products on the invoice and pays the invoiced amounts within arranged maturity dates. Extent of the limit depends on payment morale of the costumer, on the turnover from preceding periods and financial outcomes of the company. The maturity of invoices in trading limits is set individualy between 7 and 14 days. For individual orders, prolonged maturity may be concerted.

SHOPPING CART - Way of purchasing
We offer following way of purchasing goods:

Personal takeover
The products are given to the costumer in the store. The products will be given only to person, authorized to accept it (this relates to costumers with trading limit). Only these people will be authorized to overtake the products personallyin range of trading limit.

Transport by transport companies
The products are delivered on the specified address.

Transport by transport company on DOC
The products are delivered on the specified address and the invoiced sum is paid during overtake.

In the case of changing quantity of products in shopping cart or removing an item from it, it's necessary to re-count the cart by clicking RE-COUNT.

SHOPPING CART - Prepare purchase order
If you are satisdfied with contents of shopping cart, you may proceed to ordering the products. First step will be clicking PREPARE PURCHASE ORDER.

SHOPPING CART - Empty the cart
Use the button EMPTY THE CART if you want to remove all items from the shopping cart.

SHOPPING CART - Prepared order
Prepared order will be generated after clicking PREPARE ORDER. Even in this step, you have an opportunity to control the contents of prepared order. If there is any problem you may go back to shopping cart by pressing button BACK TO CART. If all the data are OK, you may fill these pieces of information in the prepared order:
PURCHASE ORDER NUMBER - your internal order number
REALIZE WITHIN - date, when you request settlement of the order.
NOTE - any note, this may be used for communication with our trader and so on
Eventually click ORDER to order the products.

SHOPPING CART - Confirmed offer
When order is made, system will confirm the date of accepting and attach an original number to that order. It will also automatically send you an e-mail with confirmation of the order.

Whenever you find any discrepancy while taking over the shipment (number of packages, damaged packaging...), immediately make a record (with the worker of transport company), which will be attached to list of acceptance. Send the copy of this document to service section of TROELL s.r.o. This action should accelerate the complaint procedure.

CATALOG – Search
This allows you to set up more complicated conditions for the quick search of required products.


CATALOG – Download pricelist
This allows you to download the actual pricelist on you harddisk.


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